Mobile Application Types

Social, Promotional, Location Based, & AR Apps


Social Applications

Our mobile apps bring people together. Sometimes this means integrating with Facebook and Twitter to quickly share something cool; other times we integrate a custom network of users to allow public and private communication, sharing photos, videos, music, events, places and more. Social applications are especially popular in the Los Angeles area with the social aspect being key to many entertainment related applications. Whatever your idea, its likely going to be a better mobile app if your users can share and interact with each other.


Location Based Applications – LBS Apps

Location, location, location based applications. Mobile users don’t want to type, read or even select from a list, so we use location technologies mashed up with all kinds of data sources like: Yelp! Citysearch business reviews, OpenTable UrbanSpoon Rezbook restaurant reservations, park and trail info, weather, directions, nearby friends and more, to give your users the info they want without them having to search. Location makes your mobile application smart and we have the experience to leverage it in your applications. Your iPhone, iPad and Android App users will thank you.


Promotional Applications

Our iOS apps and Android apps are cool! Because we are so innovative, many of our iOS apps have been featured by the Apple App Store, TechCrunch and other popular media. We often create mobile apps for the local Los Angeles based entertainment companies to promote their latest shows and movies. Also many big name consumer brands come to us for help building cool iOS & Android apps to promote their brands. These promotional apps are a very cost-effective component of a larger marketing campaign.


Augmented Reality Applications – AR Apps

Augmented reality is hot! Los Angeles entertainment companies love to see their products come to life in 3D, and users love to show off their latest AR apps with killer graphics that somehow now where to position that animation on top of their surrounding environment. We work with many technologies to make many different types of augmented reality applications possible.